Meet Our Coaches

Coach Rachel

Certified Master Practitioner

With the desire to find freedom and deliverance from a past history of depression, suicidal thoughts and attempts, molest, PMS, miscarriage, divorce, and over-emotional knee-jerk reactions...let's just say I have felt a lot of negative emotions throughout my life! In 2017 I realized these negative emotions were controlling my everyday life, stealing my life, joy and, did not serve me. My emotions were preventing me from stepping into my purpose and true calling, so I started my journey finding a way out of the mental prison I had locked myself in.

After having my daughter, getting a divorce, and starting a business all in a short few months, I knew those negative emotions not only impacted me, but they were making an imprint on my daughter. I was determined to get a grip, dig myself out of the massive mental pit I was dwelling in and find a way to enjoy life no matter the circumstances. It was no longer important for just me; I had become a model for my daughter. I want her to have the most positive outlook and responses to life. Therefore Shift happened.

As my search for help to grow my business transformed, I shifted. I took a chance on myself and I had a REAL Breakthrough! I stumbled upon NLP, Time Line Therapy, and Hypnosis. What an amazing Trio! The tools to empowerment are simple. This is the ticket to moving towards the things in life that we do want. Releasing emotions from the past that no longer serve and discovering ways to handle situations in the most positive way is freeing and life-altering, allowing one to BE their best version of themselves. I know because I made that transformation, and life continues to get better and better


This stuff is way too good to keep to myself. I realized there are so many women out there just like me and I want to help them to get to living life they truly desire. My goal is to be a guide, to help others discover the things holding them back, and to shift towards the life they Do want. To find Joy and Abundance in daily life.

Coach Lorrie

Certified Master Practitioner

She is experienced 25 years in coaching/counseling/ mentoring people from all kinds of backgrounds, and about any situation, you can think of. She loves people and seeing them break free of their troubles. She comes from a very abusive childhood which caused her to learn many skills to help her recognize the self-defeating troubles we humans go through. Her first experience with NLP and Timeline Therapy was in observing the changes in her adult daughter. It was like she was seeing her daughter return to who she was always meant to be before the world knocked her down.

Lorrie has always loved learning and has taken many courses through the years (she has a degree in Early Childhood Development, certified to do lay counseling through Talbot theological seminary and several business licenses) and decided to take the course work to be a Master Practitioner. When taking this training she got very excited about helping her current and future clients get quicker results and lasting relief. The difference is amazing, she says. Helping people, marriages and families grow and get healthy is her greatest passion.

Coach Laura

Certified Master Practitioner

There is nothing more satisfying than knowing that this work has changed my life and the potential to change your life forever. NLP has brought out my excellence, improved my daily performance, and continues to help with personal growth. It has released my anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, as well as many other things.

This is what I am passionate about and want to help set free with others. These tools that NLP has given me helped me

release my emotions and discover ways to handle situations in a more positive way.

It is so uplifting to know and see people in my present relationships who have overcome their obstacles with these tools.

This has been life-changing for them and me, as well as for our future generations.

This is for anyone not living the life they were created for, by helping you achieve your goals, to live the life you are destined for!

Coach Karyn

Certified Master Practitioner

Karyn personally came from a nonfunctioning background. She had a violent alcoholic father and a mother with depression and multi personalities. Karyn has overcome severe child abuse and molestation, suicidal tendencies, sexual violation, rage and anger, marriage difficulties, and the loss of her son. She eventually was diagnosed with depression and post-partum depression and civilian PTSD. She, for 27 years, was on prescription anti-depressants. Well-intentioned medical professionals told her that she would never get better. But, she has.

This is why Karyn became a Certified NLP Master Practitioner and joined the Freedom Mindset Group. She has been helping people through personal engagement and ministry for years. And now, through NLP, has finally found a professional model for helping and encouraging others to come into their best-created self quickly and effectively. She has known our other coaches for over 35 years each and has personally watched their growth over the years. Still, nothing has been as effective as NLP strategies for changing the thinking,

and the rapid overcoming of negative mindsets NLP has given to all of us.

She feels it is an incredible privilege to be a part of this group and its potential for vital change.

This can not only be life-changing for the individual but also for their generations to come.

Karyn is excited and looking forward to becoming a Master Practitioner soon and increasing her knowledge of helping people be set free even more.

She has been married to her husband and best friend since 1983. They have four children and nine grandchildren. Karyn is a California native and has lived in North County, San Diego, since 1976. She is very involved with her amazing church. She loves being with family and friends, hand-painting silk, and attending to her roses.

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