Client Love

Terri's Testimony

It was really cool to just go inside, it's like, being transported. I could be in tune and really feel the connection within me, ignoring all the outside things. Even though we were talking and looking at events and things that have happened, it just felt so internal. And what was really cool for me was each time when she would ask me, where is the feeling now? I had, like, a different vision each time how each emotion was being released. I didn't know what to expect or know what questions to ask or how it would go, I was able to trust and go with it.

It's pretty amazing how things just come from your subconscious mind. This session was really freeing and helpful. We talked about warranted feelings because there were some things that I still feel are appropriate and that will help me move forward in healthier ways. It is just so nice to be okay to let things go. It's great learning the lesson and looking at something that you think is so negative and horrible, in the past I always thought that there is nothing good that can come out of it... but there is. And the main process is so nice to not have to talk about everything and go on and on and on. And I love the light.

Kristen's Testimony

It was totally different for me not having to experience the negative feelings and flashbacks. Although, I went there a few times. I quickly learned how to exit that area and find a positive lesson from it. I remember being taught how important God's word is, keeping my eyes on him, and having my safe place, at the Ranch this was encouraged. Finding the good right in the moment was very empowering. This technique was very interesting and very exciting to be able to do. I found myself saying "Look, it's gone? Yeah. Really? Wait a minute. Where did it go?" It was interesting to be able to let go of those old painful emotions so quickly.

Norms Testimony

For me, NLP has got a lot of great stuff in it. For one thing, I gained self-improvement, for 2 I improved in how I relate to others. I think even if you just started with that part about yourself that's huge because how you see yourself, how you talk to yourself, and how you treat yourself is how you're gonna treat others. And I have noticed a change in Karyn and it's all positive. And it's also affected our relationship. I have seen Karyn and the other coaches change it has also made me want to change. I listen, observing, and processing it too, learning about cues and how to communicate. There’s been situations in my life that I have had a lot of closed conversations as I lay it it is and then there are crickets. You know I was just not able to get through to them. I realize now I was not in rapport. You can take this work into any situation in your life and can build rapport and it will improve that situation. We did so much tonight I feel that it's almost like the precursor to the main course because I don't expect the end-all to be all tonight. Now we have uncovered this is what we are about. I'm excited to continue to grow and focus on what I want for the future.

Erics Testimony

I think this type of therapy is going to help the community and the world. If everyone lived their lives in ecology the world would be a better place. One thing that I liked about working with Karyn was that she was gently putting my conscious mind in check. My conscious mind wanted to process and understand what was happening, but what was cool was I got results and I didn't even really need to understand. After the one-on-one, I really liked getting everyone involved and hearing their experiences.

Chris Testimony

Many things came up that I was not really aware of. In my everyday life, I wouldn't tie any feelings to events. But I think it's important to know where some of those early feelings come from. There's a lot you can learn about yourself and the root cause, so for me, that is what I got a lot out of it.

If you're not really in touch with your subconscious, it's good to trust the person walking you through it. It's cool that you don't have to dig super deep for everything and it's also really good that you can process and share after.

It feels like this setting was really appropriate; it's very peaceful here, this time of year, it's not too hot. I dealt with some of these emotions in the past in the outdoors, so to be outside again really helped me touch on those.

Larry's Testimony

All of us had a preview of what we were getting into which was really helpful to know what to expect.

I am hopeful for what it brings to my life. I've been wanting more self-awareness, less anger and sadness in my life. Working with Laura was really good. She knows what she is doing and is very intuitive.

Michelle's Testimony

"Hi, My name is Michelle and I did my breakthrough a couple of weeks ago. Thanks to my awesome NLP coach Rachel I’m on my way to living my best life. She helped me to get rid of my self-sabotaging thoughts and realize I’m in control of my happiness. I’m talking not only about my happiness but control of my life. If you are stuck in a rut or on the fence about investing in yourself do it now, don’t waste any more time. Live up to your potential and be your authentic self, take control of your happiness.

I’m truly grateful for Rachel"



Sarah's Testimony

"I am an entrepreneur and a single mom of 2. In the past, I have dealt with self-doubt, low self-esteem, self-judgment, guilt, and internal negativity… all of this while putting out a façade of a perfect optimist. So, on the outside, I may have looked like I had the most successful and happy life, but I was dying on the inside. I was always tired and fatigued but still, I kept myself busy all the time. I decided to work with Rachel when I really felt stuck and honestly could not go on living this way any longer. Since working with Rachel, I was able to finally be authentically me. No more hiding, no faking. I was truly happy, and the results were instant. It showed up in my mind and body. My lifelong allergies were gone and I could notice my complexion change. I began to communicate more effectively with everyone around me and my relationship with my family and my children improved drastically! Getting rid of negative emotions and baggage from the past is truly liberating and I feel lighter and I have more energy than I ever had before. Rachel was awesome to work with, she made sure I was complete!"



Linda's Testimony

"I came to Rachel with a good deal of anxiety, and fear, which I’ve carried for many, many years. I've had a good amount of therapy over the years. This method that Rachel uses is so much more effective, and time-wise, a great deal more efficient. Rachel and I are family through marriage, so I came to her as a relative which was somewhat daunting to me, even though our relationship has been more like acquaintances. I was worried that I would have to disclose information that was too personal. But I didn't even have to mention the incidents that caused the hurt, anger, and fear. Which are some of the emotions and roadblocks that we have to deal with that hold us back from success and happiness."


Glenn's Testimony

"Out of the blue my wife asked for a divorce after 16 years. That threw me into very emotional and non-functioning turmoil. I was confused and hurt. My ability to make decisions was very difficult for a time, even the simple things. I hadn’t done much to work on this before, but I did read a book called “No More Mr. Nice Guy” and was able to have some realizations, but I was still stuck in a rut. Rachel was easy to talk to and she could identify with what I was going through since she had been through a similar situation herself. She helped me identify ownership of emotions. Is It mine or someone else's? That in and of itself is a very freeing experience that took loads off my mind. This awareness helped shield me from the guilt, fear, and anger that my wife has tried to project onto me and that has really helped. I have identified that I was getting angry in a situation and I was able to get control of my emotions then I was armed to deal with them and project calm. I am more conscious of my abilities and focus when in certain circumstances and around different people. I have become more confident. The charge fear had on me is gone. I have been able to get to know myself better. I am much more empathetic than I had realized."


Kelly's Testimony

Working with Rachel was such a unique experience! I am an Artist, Muscular Therapist, and Holistic BodyMind Coach.. and in my journey through healing and self-empowerment, I found my way to Rachel. It seems like such Divine timing. What intrigued me about her work was her approach. I had never heard of timeline therapy before, and the process was so interesting! Being able to travel through ourselves, our conscious, and our subconscious to access our belief systems, rooted thought forms, and trace back where our energy was passed on from was truly an eye opening experience. I learned a lot in this process.

In the past, I have worked with a therapist but found that the work was rather impersonal and unhelpful... there was no traction there to help me move forward. In working with Rachel, however, my breakthrough around relationships has allowed me to approach the relationships in my life differently. The baggage I had once carried - and the energy infused emotional reactions - were no longer active. Instead, I was - and am - now able to experience things in my life without a reactionary response, and can instead evaluate based on my true feelings in the moment. This has saved a lot of heartache when dealing with people I deeply care about.

I really believe this work is incredibly impactful and can really change someone's entire life. I would highly suggest timeline therapy and doing breakthrough work with Rachel. She is highly knowledgeable, efficient, thorough, and cares about the quality of her work. I also really enjoyed that she was able to provide so much extra information while describing the process, and explained the systems in place that she uses to work with you. It was insightful and I learned many new things in the process. I will absolutely be back to work with her again, as I already know there are other areas in my life where I can use her help - and I look forward to how my life will transform and move forward in the direction I want!

Thank you so much for your beautiful work, Rachel.

With love and gratitude,


Cybele Wellness Center

Embodiment Coach - Muscular Therapist - Reiki

Dianna's Testimony

coming soon!


Hi, My name is Carol Trevisan. I want to tell you about Lorrie Tustison, who has helped me during times of need. I was born with a heart defect and suffered from sickness and anxiety. As I worked with Lorrie, I developed a better mindset. I eventually went through Open Heart surgery and have been healing. My anxiety was greatly reduced. I was coached by Lorrie in my real estate business. Even in these tough times, I’ve been successful. Lorrie’s calm and encouragement has blessed me.

I am thankful for Lorrie

Judy's Testimony

Lorrie genuinely cares for me. She makes me feel comfortable and at ease. I had my doubts about connecting with my emotions cuz I suppress especially the negative ones. She was a good instructor in helping me get to the root sources of my emotions. I am looking forward to working with Lorrie more.


I was a co-worker with Lorrie at a boy's ranch over 40 years ago. I find her trustworthy. She is well informed about my problems and life. I knew of her years of schooling to be a counselor. When my husband of 32 years, decided to leave, Coach Lorrie encouraged him to come once a week for sessions, even after he left. We processed through the terrible feeling of abandonment. My husband opened up sharing his feelings and why he left me. She was very attentive to what both of us had to say. Even though our union was broken and no chance of a reunion she was so helpful in the process of being able to move on. It took me about two years to get over his leaving and we have since divorced. Lorrie to this day continues to be there for me. I would recommend Lorrie to anyone in need of relationship coaching. She is a very gentle soul. She has a way about her that, even though things can be very painful, she can give you relief and a feeling of hopefulness.

Former client, Lyn

And Check Out These Great Comments...

Our Coaches Coach Our Coaches

We invest in ourselves so we can invest in You

Coach Rachel's Testimony

I am Rachel Lira, a mindset coach and I work alongside these lovely coaches with Freedom Mindset Group. You may think it's weird that we work together and help each other grow…well let me tell you how wonderful it is to have a group of like-minded coaches guide you to become a better version of yourself. Who else would be a better fit than people you know and trust, right?

I have had a handful of breakthroughs within the last 2 years. I even joked that I am a breakthrough junkie, but the reality is…I had a lot of past stuff getting in my way of living my purpose and now that I have woken up and become aware of what my body and soul are telling me, I know how to listen.

So, I just had a health breakthrough with Lorrie, Laura, and Karyn….Yes! I was blessed with all 3 there supporting me! For the last year since I have been able to process and release my past baggage, what I became highly aware of was my body was acting up, I had a series of health issues and weight gain, and each time I looked up the emotional root for the symptoms it gave me something to think about. Overall I wanted a health breakthrough to stop my yoyo-ing and to get motivated to incorporate consistent movement into my life for good. I have known for a while that I am healthier mentally, I am more confident, and I am happier when I exercise regularly. With homeschooling a 5-year-old as a single mom running a couple of businesses and getting into an amazing relationship, I have put my health to the side. It was time to factor in my health and step into a better version of myself.

To resolve my weight gain I had tried multiple things in the past, weight watchers, keto, and auriculotherapy, all helped…but I would fall off the wagon and easily gain the weight back. The yoyo-ing was mental.

The most impactful part about the process was discovering that the thing holding me back from achieving what I want was darkness…it was a generational curse and it became very clear. Luckily, Lorrie and Karyn are strong believers and have years of training in deliverance. During the first few hours of the breakthrough it was raining and even hailing hard at times it was such a big symbol of the demonic strongholds. As soon as they prayed the deliverance prayer the rain stopped and the skies cleared, it was so powerful it left me feeling a new sense of peace inside. I now have clarity on what I need to do and I am much more accepting of myself as I am, enjoying my health as is, without the need for a “perfect” body. So far I feel more confident, I have more self-love, I have a plan of action to be active daily and I know I am deserving and worth it. It's amazing how emotions impact the body. All my history of health issues were related to confusion and denial of self. I am grateful for the breakthrough and I am looking forward to increased energy, and strength, and enjoy physically moving every day!

If you are thinking of having a breakthrough with one of these coaches, I highly recommend it, I know the work and the impact it can make. That is why I do this work myself and for myself. You are worth it, you deserve to feel great and to have long-lasting change.

Our Goal at Freedom Mindset Group is to impact families 1 family at a time and how lovely that we get to be included in those families.

Coach Lorrie's Testimony

Testimony on my health breakthrough:

Today I had a massive health breakthrough at the beautiful Echo Ranch. I was guided by two of the coaches from Freedom Mind Set Group, Master practitioner coach Rachel Lira and Coach Practitioner Laura Rash gently and skillfully helped me gain so much freedom from baggage that I've hauled around for a lifetime. Health can steal your life away, yet pride keeps you stuck. I've had horrible health issues that started in childhood. For the last 3 years, these problems culminated in cancer and then covid. The healing started when I wholeheartedly embraced this process of change. Then the specially designed pre-tasking opened my mind to a greater understanding of my part in my health challenges. I realized I had a part of myself that was a saboteur who was working against me. I also learned in the coaching process that

I had limited beliefs in myself and was stuck in negative emotions.

Releasing the negative emotions of sadness, depression and much

more was a great weight lifted.

Believing in myself came after I had massive integration of these parts that served me well as a child but were a stumbling block to improved health. I left with 100% confidence that my health will be restored. I have never felt this in my life and it is great to know that I can believe in myself.

Coach Laura's Testimony

I was in a place where I was not getting the health results I was looking for. I was starting to have health issues arise. I lacked motivation and energy and felt fatigued. At the end of the day, I would think about all the things that I had wanted to get done that I didn't get done and I would go to bed feeling defeated every night.

When I would work out I would feel tired. It just wasn’t adding up to me because I had had success previously. But this time I felt stuck any effort I put in wasn't showing like it had previously.

I bought a gym membership and an exercise bike. I thought to myself I would do this every other day. But even with good intent the night before by the end of the next day I realized I had taken no action.

I was sick and tired of being stuck in the same old system that I had put in place in my life. I knew there were better ways. I just didn't know what was the right thing for me and I kept swinging to different extremes. Rachel, Lorrie, and Karyn all helped me work through the steps that I needed to do to take action for myself.

I went really deep, and in doing so I found out a lot. I needed to make a middle ground for myself. I had been having big swings from one thing to another. In doing so I was having burnout, feeling stuck, and defeated. I need to have small actions that would meet each of my goals equally and be in congruence with my whole self and not just certain parts of me.

I have felt an incredible amount of excitement. I truly feel I understand what my health looks like for me and finding the "middle ground" with having actionable steps to make my health goals happen. I'm feeling free and in alignment with my identity and values. I have put all of these steps on my schedule so that I can accomplish what I need to do for myself. I am taking slow and stay steps toward the goals that I want to accomplish for myself.

If you're thinking about it just do it! Go really deep and get life-impacting results. Rache,l Lorrie, and Karyn are so professional, calm, caring, and supportive that they will help you get success with your goals.

Coach Karyn's Testimony

I have had 2 breakthroughs with our coaches from the Freedom Mindset group. The First one was with Coaches Rachel and Lorrie. It was for a Relationship breakthrough that brought significant life changes that I hadn't experienced before. As someone who came from such a horrific background of abuse, I had so many issues with trust, unforgiveness, allowing myself to be genuinely loved, and boundaries.

I have had so many good, well-intentioned counselors and therapists try and bring me healing. But they weren't going to where the anger, sadness, fear, guilt, and shame were. Deep inside my unconscious mind that was trying to protect me from more harm. But with the amazing, gentle, compassionate, non-invasive, retraumatizing NLP techniques that they were trained in, I was able to start seeing things so differently. How I emotionally and mentally processed how I responded to people and situations. How peacefully I was able to make decisions about what was best for my life.

It is incredible how fast it really worked!!

I no longer feel like I am being assaulted by my past emotionally.

The second breakthrough was for health with Coaches Rachel, Lorrie, and Laura

. I have been obese for over 40 and to say I have tried an endless amount of ways to lose the weight would be an understatement. I was losing hope that I could actually live a healthy life. But as above the methods that were used for having a healthy breakthrough were incredible. I now am not dreading being able to lose 110 pounds by making really great choices that support me being at my healthiest.

I immediately was able to start implementing the health goals that I want to achieve with joy and hope!

My 9 grandkids, my 3 girls, my amazing husband, but, mostly I deserve that and I am looking forward to the journey of partnering with myself to make my goals but mostly live a longer wonderful life!

Thank you so much, Rachel, Lorrie, and Laura for believing for my breakthroughs and pouring truth and freedom into my life.

It is an incredible privilege to be apart of

Freedom Mindset Group.

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